Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Progressive Reform In The US

           The unemployment rate in the United States has increased dramatically over the past few years. In 2010, the increase of the unemployment rate has affected many people. Costs have increased in many areas; however, it is difficult for many unemployed people to keep up with the increase in taxes, gasoline, dues, college fees, insurance and more. For example, at Norton High School in order to be in an honors society a fifty dollar fee must be payed. Not only do students work hard to attain the grades to be a part of an honors society but they also must pay. Students with outstanding grades are help back due to a lack of money. The unemployment rate is higher than ever and needs to be decreased as soon as possible. The cost of college has also been raised. Everyone stresses the need for students to attend college; however, in today's economy some people simply cannot afford college. Unemployment leads to stuggles for everyone. To increase the employment rate, new buildings should be built requring the need for employees. Prices should be lowered to allow those struggling to get by until the unemployment rate is increased!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Unexpected Spain Slaughter

         The USS Maine explosion took place yesterday morning, February 15. The USS Maine was destroyed with a massive explosion, caused by Spain. Spain asks for war with the U.S. by killing 700 sailors! Families torn apart, lives destroyed, people left defensless from Spain. How long will our government wait to take action before another tradgedy occurs? The US needs to stand against Spain!